What is Tadabbur?
Dec 17, 2022
"What do you mean by Tadabbur Sister Binta? Do you mean Tafseer?" I get this question quite often so today, I decided to explain in this blog post a bit about one of the major transformation tools we have in our Deen. Tadabbur is a MUST if we want to become women of Qur'an. A MUST! We can very well memorize the Qur'an and still not be of the people of Qur'an. If we memorize and recite the Speech of Allah Azza Wajal without meaning and implementation, we are no different than the donkeys carrying books mentioned in suratul Jumu'ah. May Allah preserve us!
Reciting the Qur'an properly is a must, Memorizing it is highly recommended and Reflecting on its ayaat is a powerful way for ALL Muslims to get closer to Allah Azza Wajal. Our Rabb states in His Noble Book that He revealed the Qur'an for Tadabbur!
(This is) a Book (the Qur’ân) which We have sent down to you, full of blessings, that they may ponder over its Verses, and that men of understanding may remember. (38:29)
As Sa'di in His Tafsir states that the ayah means: "This is a blessed Book in which there is much goodness and abundant knowledge, guidance away from error, healing from disease, light to illuminate the darkness, and every ruling that accountable people may need. It contains definitive evidence for every issue, by means of which it becomes the most majestic Book to appear in this world since Allah created it (the world).
The wisdom behind sending it down, is so that people may ponder its verses, and thus find knowledge in it and reflect upon its subtle meanings and wisdom, for by pondering and reflecting upon its meanings, thinking about it time after time, its blessings and good may be attained. This indicates that it is encouraged to reflect upon the Qur'an and that doing so is one of the best deeds, and that recitation which includes reflection is better than rapid recitation that does not achieve this purpose.
People of sound mind may learn through reflecting upon all issues of knowledge which indicates that learning and benefitting from this Book will be commensurate with a person's maturity and understanding." (Tafsir of Surat Sad ayah 29, p246-247).
The Qur'an is The Guide for the soul. It teaches us how to think, how to live and how to interact with others and our environment. It teaches us how to please our Creator. It is a Healing and a Light for us in this life and the next! It witnesses for or against us and is one of the questions of the grave.
Our Hearts need Tadabbur!
There is nothing more beneficial for the heart than reading the Qur'an with contemplation and reflection. This is what inspires love and longing for Allah. It generates fear of Him and hope in Him. It causes one to fully submit to him, leave matters in His Hands and be pleased with His Decree.
Ibnul Qayyim
From the greatest of voluntary acts through which Allah's Love is earned, is reciting and pondering upon Qur'an.
Ibn Rajab
Alhamdulillah at Women of Qur'an Now, we have taught and are teaching several Tadabbur classes because we know its value. I personally witnessed my own transformation as a result of Tadabbur and continue to see it with sisters who commit to it. What better way to prepare for Ramadan which is fast approaching than to start engaging in Tadabbur daily, weekly, monthly at your own pace. The choice is yours. Right now the Tadabbur course on the beautiful suratul Kahf is available for self-study. Click on this link for more information.
Stay Tuned for part 2 of this topic where I will in shaa Allah be going over the methodology we use at Women of Qur'an Now, to study the Qur'an with Tadabbur.
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