Why should I get a Muslimah Mindset Coach and what can a coach help me with?

buildingrelationshipwithquran mindset muslimah muslimahcoach muslimahmindsetcoach Feb 27, 2023


We live in a time in which whatever someone wants to learn, change, or do is available at their fingertips. Billions of dollars are spent every year on books, training, and education in pursuit of progress. The Qur’an is now translated in all the mainstream languages of the world. 

Free lectures on Youtube, and other platforms are there to help you learn your Deen/religion better, help you learn how to change your mindset, build habits, educate you on the seerah, names of Allah etc… The information is there, it is available on the internet many times for free! 

But the truth is that most books are never read, most programs are never completed, and most of what is learned is never applied.  We can invest financially but then we end up not following through because there is no accountability and no guide to help us along. This means we live in a giant sea of unfulfilled potential!  Ya Rabb!

The reason people don’t follow through on changes or go for their dreams isn’t because they don’t have the resources. It isn’t because they don’t have the desire. And it isn’t because they don’t have the time. Yes you read right!! It’s NOT because we are too busy! 

What I notice from experience, from coaching sisters for over ten years now, the main reasons we keep going through the motions without striving for our highest potential is because life happens. Overwhelm happens. Limiting beliefs happen. Especially limiting beliefs!!!

People have Deen goals, career goals, relationship goals, health goals, financial goals... but they also have *doubts, fears, and distractions.* These are the real waswaas or whispers of Shaytan, he keeps whispering thoughts of insecurity, doubt, fears and distractions.

Whispers are just that whispers, yet we listen and we forget to guard our selves, except the few preserved by Allah Azza Wajal.

This is where a coach especially one who has some knowledge of The Qur’an and of the Sunnah, continues to learn in those fields and is trained in mindset shifts, in how the mind works, is really helpful. 

A Muslimah Mindset Coach can help you unlock the power of positive thinking, gain clarity on the next steps to take on your journey and break through mental barriers. She also can share with you what to reframe negative thoughts to from the Qur'an and the Sunnah so that the solutions you get are Allah centered.

A Coach also acts as a strong accountability system. 

EVERYONE needs accountability and encouragement! Change can be hard. Big goals take big commitment. Doing something new or scary is always better (and more likely to actually happen) with a partner or a guide. 

No matter how inspired we are by our dreams, our old patterns and habituated comforts will quickly zap our energy and fade our drive. 

•A Muslimah Mindset Coach holds you accountable to yourself by holding you to higher expectations and standards and reminding you what you’re doing it all for. 

Muslimah Mindset Coach challenges you to see your true potential and to settle for nothing less than all that you are meant to be i.e a woman of Qur’an!💖

Muslimah Mindset Coach helps you find meaning in the challenges in your life and give your pain a purpose. 

Muslimah Mindset Coach helps you keep your overthinking mind in check so you can choose optimism, feel confident, and master a mindset of success. 

Muslimah Mindset Coach  helps you stay committed in those times when you feel frustrated, overwhelmed, or become distracted by life’s uncertainties. 

Muslimah Mindset Coach  is that support system you can depend on when the people in your life are nay-sayers, haters, or don’t believe in your vision. 


I am a Qur'an Teacher and a Certified Coach and have been coaching sisters for over ten years in mindset shifts, time management, goal setting, habit building and relationships. 

have taught sisters how to understand the names of Allah better and internalize many of the lessons from the Tadabbur of Qur'an and the Seerah of Rasulullah Salallahu Alayhi wa salaam. 

I cannot wait to support you on this beautiful journey of becoming a woman of Qur’an Now! I recommend our membership club in which you get the best of our content along with group coaching for a very reasonable monthly subscription.

Start your journey now! 

Time to do good is now!

Bismillah! Click on the link below and let’s start.




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