Did you know that another name for the Qur'an is Healing?

Find healing, comfort and inner peace with the Book of Allah Azza Wajal. A sacred month is soon upon us, إن شاء الله in just a few days. This is why I want to make it easy for you to access content that will bi idhnillah help you shield 🛡️ yourself from the plots of the devil. He is aware that in a sacred month, wrongdoing is more serious!!! We therefore have to be more vigilant in guarding our soul. Book the on demand course right now so you can start right away building up your fortress.


Start Guarding The Soul with this new course!

As long as we breathe, Iblis and his army will absolutely try to harm us. Let's face that fact. The One who created us and created Iblis already warned our father Adam and our mother Hawa and also warned us as children of Adam so we can not say that we have not received the warning!!!

What will we do about it?

Let's practically prepare our future self for the upcoming attacks that are as I write this already planned.

This course will get you ready bi idhnillah!

Yes I want to guard my soul NOW

I'm Binta Umm Yahya

After losing my son who was a premie and lived for a day, I was given a prescription for antidepressants. I left the hospital feeling empty, very empty, physically and emotionally. Yet, I did not fill the prescription. Instead, I turned to Islamic lectures on grief and what really ended up helping me heal was the Tafsir of Surah Yusuf.

I would play it  all day and I felt as if it was written for me, it was addressing me. This is what Qur'an does for you when you interact with it.  

I started taking classes on Qur'an and the more I understood the meaning the more I fell in love, the more I felt grounded. 

My life was transformed completely and my journey with Qur'an just intensifies as time passes. 

Now I use what I've learned in both my Qur'an training and Coaching to help people just like you find healing and a stronger connection with the Speech of Allah. My goal is for us to strive together as women of Qur'an.

I’ll show you how to make the Qur'an your first aid kit when the emotional storm hits.

"Sister Binta helped me to identify my triggers, this was key in dealing with my anxiety. Today I am able to manage my anxiety in a positive and spiritual manner, Alhamdulillah."

- A. J.

"I was dealing with anxiety, low self-esteem, being too hard on myself..

Tadabbur was a life changer for me, I was already memorizing Qur'an but was not having the connection  I needed, but now Alhamdulillah I am at another level of connection and reflection."

- Khadija

"I was constantly dealing with anxiety, self-sabotage, fear of the unknown and marriage conflicts, sister Binta helped me, via her coaching and the classes on the names of Allah and Tadabbur, conquer those worries and fears. Through this platform, I learned about Tawakkul (reliance upon Allah) and have Yaqeen (certainty) that His promise is true, He is Al Haqq!"

- Haddy Mbye

The Asiyah Coaching Plan Is For You If...

  • You are dealing with emotional pain, overthinking, feeling stuck and unmotivated.
  • You know the book of Allah is powerful but aren’t sure how to go to it for healing and clarity.
  • You do not know the meaning of the Qur'an
  • You want to be a woman of Qur'an
  • You want to leave a legacy for your children by showing them how to face the trials of life with the teachings of the Qur'an.