All The Tools You Need To Become a Woman of Qur'an! 


Start Now!

Start your journey with the Membership Club!

Dear woman of Qur'an, with the Membership Club, you get:

  • To understand and appreciate the Names and Speech of Allah Azza Wajal and incorporate many of its lessons to your life.
  • Monthly Live Webinar where you get the opportunity to be coached on achieving your goals and unlocking your full potential. 
  • Different challenges every month designed to help you manage your thoughts and emotions, organize your time table, grow your connection with your Lord and setting up better goals that are more in line with your values. 

Start your journey NOW! We are here to support your Qur'an Learning journey with amazing Coaching tools! Can't wait to see you blossom bi idhnillah. 

Sign up Now

Bintou D.

With my erratic schedule, the membership club really helps me to try to do at least something. I really can't imagine how I would have been living my life if I didn't see what my other sisters were doing for their akhira. Alhamdoulillah.

Alima Z.

The membership club is great!!! I am working on myself to be a better servant of Allah, better wife, mother, sister and daughter. I am learning something new everyday. With the Membership, I got whole package how to practice our Deen. Maa shaa Allah, we learn how to control our emotions, thoughts, time management, how to deal with  problems in our lives. Alhamdulillah! I am grateful for this opportunity.


I feel my mindset has shifted from worrying all the time Allah is going to test me with difficulties to Allah is facilitating good for me and taking care of me! TabarakAllah!

A Unique Learning Community 

Women of Qur’an Now (WOQN) Membership Club is a great online community where we support you with monthly group coaching sessions alongside your Islamic Learning Journey. 

This online community is perfect for anyone looking to make positive changes in their life while growing their connection with their Lord.  

It is a very affordable way to get coached and supported while you learn how to get closer to your Lord.

We know life can get hectic  this is why we created this community where we support you in your journey of becoming a woman of Quran. You will gain the skills and knowledge to reach your goals faster and more efficiently with this course. Our goal is to make sure that you:

  • Learn how to build your self-confidence and develop the courage to take action and create the life you desire.
  • Gain the tools to create a work-worship-life balance and achieve your goals faster than ever before bi idhnillah.

It's the perfect solution for my busy woman of Qur'an who wants to make the most of her time so that she can still make her relationship with her Lord a priority.

Watch one of our live webinars below to get a sense of what we cover in the Membership Club. 



Amazing Support

You don't have to go on this journey alone. Beautiful like minded women of Qur'an are there to welcome you and cheer you on. Together we become strong!

Great Book Club Access

The Women of Qur'an Book Club is an amazing asset to your learning journey. We cover Books of Great Scholars such as Ibnul Qayyim, Uthaymeen, AbdurRazzaq Bin Abdul Muhsin Al Badr


The people of Qur'an are the people of Allah!

The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Verily, Allah has His own people among humanity.” They said, “O Messenger of Allah, who are they?” The Prophet said, “They are the people of the Quran, the people of Allah and His chosen ones.”

Source: Sunan Ibn MaĢ„jah 215

Grade: Sahih (authentic) according to Al-Albani

Become A Woman of Qur'an