Self Study Tadabbur Suratul Kahf

Discover why this surah is so important for us to recite and reflect on on a weekly basis. Study at your own pace with the previously recorded class sessions.

What you'll get:

  • Ten sessions of Tadabbur previously taught covering the entire suratul Kahf.

  • Access to our Telegram community which provides additional content to support your growth.

  • The company of other women of Qur'an striving on the same path.

Make your intention to come closer to Allah with His speech, say Bismillah and enroll now! Time to do good is now. Tomorrow is not guaranteed. We are excited to help you transform into an amazing Woman of Qur'an bi idhnillah.

What Women of Qur'an Are Saying:

Taddabur of Surah Al Kahf has been an eye opener for me and has taken my faith to a whole new level Alhamdulillah! Being able to reflect upon this amazing surah has enlightened me and understanding the context and meaning of it is getting me closer to my Rabb and I’m forever grateful Masha’Allah TabarakAllah. The perspectives it has given me have allowed me to humble myself more and show more gratitude to my Rabb as NOTHING is from me and all praises and thanks are due to Him SWT. The connections between the verses were not noticed before and I was just reading as I’ve been told to, because it is Light that protects us from one Friday to the next… The light is now very clear and the guidance, compassion, warnings, encouragement and most of all contrasts shown is the surah can be mind blowing but are such great reminders that this life is just temporary and we should gear ourselves for the eternal life that none of us will escape for every soul, every living creature will return to Allah Azzawajal just as we were 1st created with no “adornments” . Life accessories ( ie money, power, clothing etc…) will not testify for us on the day of judgment but rather our Qu’ran, our actions, deeds. Let’s get our priorities straight SubhannAllah. May Allah aid us, guide, save us from the punishment of the grave and keep us under His Shade on Yawmul qiyyama Ameen Ameen Aameen

Aisha Barry

$87.00 USD