All The Tools You Need To Become a Woman of Qur'an! 


Start Now!

Amazing Support

You don't have to go on this journey alone. Beautiful like minded women of Qur'an are there to welcome you and cheer you on. Together we become strong!

Great Book Club Access

The Women of Qur'an Book Club is an amazing asset to your learning journey. We cover Books of Great Scholars such as Ibnul Qayyim, Uthaymeen, AbdurRazzaq Bin Abdul Muhsin Al Badr

Understand and Memorize Suratul Mulk

💚🗣️Women Of Qur’an Now Memorizing Suratul Mulk!

Do you want to

1️⃣ Strengthen Your Iman?

2️⃣ Have the flexibility to Recite Suratul Mulk while getting ready for bed or in Salah?

3️⃣ Be protected in the Grave?

🌸 Then Join  us to memorize this amazing Surah that blesses us with protection in the grave.

Please Note: We are only accepting a few students to make sure every student has a great experience and the teacher is able to give them undivided attention. So reserve your slot right away!

Enroll Now

The people of Qur'an are the people of Allah!

The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Verily, Allah has His own people among humanity.” They said, “O Messenger of Allah, who are they?” The Prophet said, “They are the people of the Quran, the people of Allah and His chosen ones.”

Source: Sunan Ibn Mājah 215

Grade: Sahih (authentic) according to Al-Albani

Become A Woman of Qur'an

Start your journey with the Fatima Plan

Dear woman of Qur'an, with the Fatima plan, you get:

  • To learn about the Speech of Allah Azza Wajal with proper Tajweed as well as some reflections on the meaning.
  • Weekly Coaching on managing your time table  building productivity and setting up better goals that are more in line with your values. 

Start your journey NOW! We are here to support your Qur'an Learning journey with amazing Coaching tools! Can't wait to see you blossom bi idhnillah. 

Start Your Journey

Uplevel with the Maryam Plan

Dear woman of Qur'an, with the Maryam plan, you are stepping into the Scholar level which goes more in depth with Tadabbur and Mindset Coaching. In addition to your Qur'an classes, you also get:

  • Weekly Coaching to support you along your learning journey.
  • Free Access to the Membership Club AND the Baqarah Hifdh Club. 
  • The Woman of Qur'an NOW digital planner after three months of commitment.

Start your journey NOW! We can't wait to provide amazing support to your Woman of Qur'an Now journey bi idhnillah! Time to do good is NOW.

Up Level NOW

A Unique Learning Platform 

Women of Qur’an Now (WOQN) is a safe and unique Qur’an learning platform where we support you with coaching sessions alongside your learning journey. 

We know life can get hectic and building and sustaining new habits alone is challenging.

This is why we created this unique platform where we support you in your journey of becoming a woman of Quran with coaching.

The Qur’an classes plus coaching help you manage negative thoughts and emotions and tackle a hectic schedule so that you can still make your relationship with your Lord a priority.



Available Free Consults

For a limited time, I am offering free consults of 15 minutes to help you assess if our packages are a good fit for you. Check out my availability in the calendly above and book your free consult NOW!

I also have a waiting list group you can join here in case the package you want is sold out. Click below to join the waiting list.

Join The Waiting List