It’s about the journey, the destination is in Allah's hands

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The Fatayaat Mentoring & Coaching Program

The Fatayaat Mentoring and Coaching Program is designed especially for you my young Muslimah, my young woman of Qur'an. It's a program in which you learn the why behind your worship, a program in which you are listened to and a program in which you are coached to strive through whatever you are facing in your day to day. This course is ideal for the young muslimah who is between the ages of 12 to 19 years old, educators, youth workers, coaches, mothers and anyone interested in making a positive impact on the lives of young people.


Le programme de mentorat et de coaching Fatayaat est conçu spĂ©cialement pour toi, ma jeune musulmane, ma jeune femme du Coran. C'est un programme dans lequel tu apprendras le pourquoi de ton adoration, un programme dans lequel tu seras Ă©coutĂ©e et un programme dans lequel tu seras coachĂ©e pour t'efforcer de surmonter tout ce Ă  quoi tu es confrontĂ©e dans ta vie de tous les jours. Ce programme est idĂ©al pour les jeunes musulmanes ĂągĂ©es de 12 Ă  19 ans, mais il peut Ă©galement ĂȘtre trĂšs utile aux Ă©ducateurs, aux mĂšres et Ă  toute personne dĂ©sireuse d'avoir un impact positif sur la vie des jeunes.

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Join Our Membership Club

This Club is for you if you want to grow in your knowledge of the Names of Allah, Tadabbur and the Sunnah with new content and lessons posted every month along with a flexible self-study pace that also includes some accountability.

You will also have access to our monthly coaching challenges designed to help you grow past your comfort zone.

This is a budget friendly subscription to help you care for your soul in a meaningful way.

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Resources for every stage of the woman of Qur'an journey. We support your Qur'an journey with powerful coaching tools. Classes where you learn about the Speech of Allah and get coached on clarity, time managment, mindset and systems on building a better connection with your Deen. Click on Qur'an & Coaching Class for more information.

1:1 Qur'an & Coaching

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1:1 Mindset Coaching

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Emotional Healing With the Qur'an Ebook

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Assalamu Alaykum!

I'M Binta Umm Yahya.

Read my story  ➝

I came to Qur'an with pain and it healed me. I now use my experience and training to help my sisters heal as well and become women of Qur'an.

As a certified lifecoach and an ustadha with an ijazah in teaching Qur'an with tajwid, I use my understanding of the human mind and my passion for Qur'an and the Names of Allah to empower my sisters to step into who they really are meant to be, i.e women of Qur'an.

My courses are unique in the sense that I combine Qur'an lessons with coaching sessions in one package. As I show you how to connect with the Book of Allah Azza Wajal, I also help you overcome limiting beliefs and help you make the mind, body, soul connection to uncover the most authentic version of yourself. This platform is where we cater to your soul.

Start your journey NOW!

"The pain / frustration I had before starting coaching with Sister Binta was how to manage my anxiety. For years I didn’t realize nor was I aware of the fact that it was affecting my day to day interaction with my family. Sister Binta helped me to first acknowledge the fact something was wrong and helped me identify the triggers. This was key in dealing with my anxiety in a positive manner. Today I am able to manage my anxiety in a positive and spiritual manner. Alhamdulillah 😍

A. J.


"Alhamdulillah  I am grateful for this platform. For me as a converting Muslim woman coming from a christian polish background, this was very helpful in my Deen. Allah’s beautiful names helped me to understand who is my Lord , motivating me to worship  Him , trust Him  in every aspect in my life. Tadabur class is helping me to understand, ponder, and implement the words of Allah in my life. Membership club is great đŸ€©I am working on myself  to be a better servant of Allah ,better wife, mother, sister and daughter, in other words, a woman of Qur'an. Alhamdulillah.

A. Z.